
A specialist contractor – Marshall Day Acoustics Pty Ltd – was engaged by Port Augusta Operations to undertake an environmental noise assessment of the proposed port development. This involved an assessment of anticipated noise impact from site operations against environmental noise legislation and policies.

For the purpose of the noise assessment, noise levels from the proposed site have been considered in relation to the nearest potentially impacted premises (at a distance of between 950 and 2,500 metres from the site).

It was assumed port operations may occur at any time during the day or night. The Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 sets daytime and night-time noise limits. The proposed development has been assessed against the more conservative night-time limits.

Noise from port operations is anticipated to be generated by:

  • Rail movements bringing ore to the facility
  • Unloading of ore from rail cars at rail unloading facility
  • Conveyors for moving ore to stockpiles within storage shed and from storage shed to barges
  • Barge loading

Noise levels for the above activities were estimated based on projects using similar equipment and processes.

The assessment demonstrated that noise levels associated with proposed port operations are well within the relevant provisions of the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007, achieving compliance with noise level limits during all times at the nearest noise-affected premises.